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  • Special membrane
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    Obtained from pericardium of heterologous origin, using an exclusive Tecnoss® process, the dried Special membranes are completely resorbable. Once hydrated, they become translucent and flexible, guiding the growth of epithelium and preventing its invagination: their action favors therefore an optimal...
  • Lamina
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    Lamina barriers are made of cortical bone of heterologous origin produced with an exclusive Tecnoss® process that avoids the ceramization of hydroxyapatite crystals, thus allowing gradual resorption. After a process of superficial decalcification, Lamina soft acquires an elastic consistency, nevertheless...
  • Evolution
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    Obtained from heterologous mesenchymal tissue, the Evolution membrane is gradually resorbable. Its structure is made of dense collagen fibers of high consistency and of extraordinary resistance that offer the specialist surgeon:•maximum adaptability to bone tissue and soft tissues• easy and...